yall know where i stand.
our fianle is live at the kodak theatre, home of the academy awards, and it is a magnificent looking joint in hollywood with 3400 american idol fans.
my prediction remains that j-spark will win the whole thing. Of course we won't find out for sure until tonight, but I am confident that things went the way of Jordin Sparks last night.
Three songs each, one favorite, one they have not performed on the show, and the last song of the season for each of the two finalists is 'this is my now' the winning entry in the songwriting competition, written by two fellas from Seattle.
Speaking of Seattle, what a season of American Idol for that fantastic city I had the pleasure to visit in February! Not only did the two fianlists audition there, but the misfit sanjaya came from there as well, and this winning song, which we can only assume will be a winner.
ok on to performances:
last night at the end of the show blake won the coin toss to determine who gets to decide who goes first, and instead of making the decision himself, he asks jordin 'do you wanna go first?' she quickly and wisely said no, meaning blake is up first tonight and jordin will have the fortunate opportunity to close out the show and give the last performance of the finale. blake is probably regretting being such a gentleman already.
blakes first song is a remix of his remix of 'you give love a bad name', probably his best performance of the season, and definitely his best beatboxing ever on the show. he really made the vocal turntables fit into the song nicely and that little call and response thing with the drummer was brilliant. the crowd absolutely loves this performance again, it sounded better than the first time around, more rehearsed and refined, and he is off to an excellent start.
j-spark goes with 'fighter', from christina aguilera. i didnt recognize the song at first and wondered why she chose it, but then came the tough lyrics, and the sultry attitude and i think it was a wise choice. possibly directed at all the criticism she has faced through the season, when the judges thought she didnt have the chops to outlast melinda and/or lakisha:
'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do
I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you
'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
It makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter.
word, jordin may be young and sweet and innocent, but she is fuckin tough as nails too. thats my girl. she showed everyone she could do it and will do so again one last time before becoming the most popular person in america.
judges seem to concur that the first round goes to jordin, although at this point, everyones mind is made up and it doesnt much matter who sings what or what the judges say, the fans are not going to be persuaded to vote for anyone but their favorite. still the judges, and espescially simon, like to think they have some sway over the voters.
blakes second song, one he has not done on the show before, is maroon 5's 'she will be loved' blake, my man, what is this all about?! this has to be one of the most inapporpriate choices all season for blake. havent we had enough maroon 5 lately? he did maroon 5 last week, and although it sounded better than the lame ass radio version and maroon 5's lead singer's annoying high voice, why go back to the same lame pop band? the blaker girls are already voting for you, there no need to make the tweens cry anymore. again, blakes rendition was a better vocal than the original, but so what? this is the last chance to freaking DAZZLE the audience, and i dont think it worked. randy likes the lack of beatboxing, how he sang it 'natural and pure' like a good little popstar, but that aint blake yo! blake has more personality and more flavor that that song ever could and i think he really sold himself short with that one.
jordin's second song, her favorite performance of the season, is 'broken wing' that martina mcbride song she did a few weeks back. man she is phenomenal. really nails the last long note, and the whole place is as excited as i am for what jordin will inevitably become. she earns an extended standing ovation from the audience and unanimous praise from the judges. randy jackson even says it was better than the original version. haha i bet martina loved to hear that.
ricky schroeder is in the crowd tonight, on his feet for jordin of course, and unlike his foolish character on 24 who lost his sight because he didnt listen to jack, he can see that jodin shall become a superstar idol.
last song is 'this is my now' and blake looks mortified that he has to sing it. right from the beginning he looks as if he knows this song was not meant for him. he pushes through it tho, and i think this is embarrassing for blake, it is just not his kind of song and he knows it.
jordin on the other hand, absolutely wails on the song and even tho it is cheesy and the lyrics are dripping with sap, she makes it sound like it could (and probably will) be a #1 hit song. its like jordin understood the point anf the nature of the song, and she chokes up a bit at the very end of the song, as if she knows how much her performance blew everyone away. randy and simon concur that she has shown she is the best snger in what is, afterall, a singing competition. simon says jordin 'wiped the floor with blake' tonight and there is little doubt about who the judges think should win this thing. i am certain that her performance of that song sealed the deal. all three of jordins songs were flawless.
blake did allright tonight, but this competition belongs to j-sparks.
can tonights finale top last years when prince made a surprise last minute appearance?
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