Wednesday, May 7, 2008

American Idol - the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Edition

Tonight’s theme is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and each of our four finalists will perform two songs each from those legendary artists who have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

David Cook exemplifies what a bad song choice is with Duran Duran’s “Hungry like the Wolf” Seriously dude, wtf? It’s a totally lame, uninspired performance, and the judges aren’t that impressed, but Paula says something about still having an appetite or losing her appetite or something.

Syesha is up with “Proud Mary”, and she doesn’t seem to know that Tina Turner didn’t write the song. It’s clear at the outset that she is going to do a full on Tina impression and of course it comes off as stagey and overdone. She's almost out of control. It’s a good old Syesha screamfest that did no justice to John Fogerty or Tina Turner. Randy thinks she’s in the zone and she’s showing the heat, Paula has nothing but good things to say and Simon thought it was a bad impression of Tina Turner. Me too.

Jason Castro is next and he is singing a song that he likes and has never performed before. I am pretty sure there has never been a Bob Marley song on American Idol before now, and I’d say it’s a pretty gutsy, even dangerous move. He performs it without much enthusiasm or conviction, and it is far from his best. Again, it's like he's not really trying very hard, and he is continuing to go downhill. Randy and Paula aren’t with it, and no surprise that Simon finds it “utterly atrocious”...and thinks ”you cant do that!”

David Archuleta is singing "Stand by Me", a typically sentimental Archuleta number. He seems to be rushing the lyrics a bit, and even though it's not all that fun or entertaining, it was an outstanding vocal. I just wish he wasn’t such a goddamn dork. He even threw in something about beautiful girls for the chicas in the front row. Randy loves it, Paula loves it, and Simon takes another swipe at Castro, saying David could have whistled it and it would have been better than Jason, and D Arch had the best of the night so far.

David Cook is back with “Baba O’Reilly” from the Who. He changes up the arrangement, starting real slow and building up to…nothing. It actually sounded like it could have been very cool, but it didn’t go anywhere and suddenly it was over. Randy thinks he’s great. Paula wants more and is humbled by watching him, and Simon welcomes David Cook back to the competition with a warm smile.

Syesha is going to do “A Change Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke. She acknowledges that it was written as an anthem for the civil rights movement, but it has taken on new meaning for her now that she is in the final four. That doesn’t sound quite right. Nor does the song, she is trying to make this a song about her future or something, all cheery and smiley, but it was nearing disrespectful. Randy thought it was disconnected and not good, and Paula blabbers on about Syesha's dreams coming true. Simon agrees with Paula. I think he’s putting his money on the last female contestant. Syesha cries and cries and cries and when given the opportunity repeats her whole intro about how much the song means and how much research she did and on and on.

Castro is sticking with the Bob, Dylan this time thankfully. This has a better chance. Until he forgets some of the words. A horrible stumble. Wow. Somehow he pushes forward and manages to remember all the rest of those crazy jingle jangle lyrics. "It is what it is" says Paula Abdul, "I'd pack your suitcase." says Simon. I'd have to agree.

“Love me Tender” is Archuleta's second choice of the evening, and he has slowed down a slow song, to the delight of ladies everywhere. Damn that guy can sing. Simon says he not only beat he comp he crushed them. David looks concerned for his competition, then thanks Simon. I think him and Cook are going to the finals.

Castro or Syesha must leave manana. And next week, the other of those two.

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